BEST [Gluten Free] Soup to Remedy a Cold

I rarely ever get sick! Somehow I find myself with a SUMMER cold!! Yuck and the heat does not help!! Here is a soup that will boost your body’s immune system and tastes amazing! Plus only 200 cal per cup!! 


2L Organic Gluten Free Chicken Broth ( I use Imagine)

6 Cloves Garlic

2 tbsp Shredded Fresh Ginger 

1 tbsp olive oil

2 cups fresh chopped carrots 

1 package Gluten Free chicken noodle soup by Frontier 

1 cup Corn

1 cup Peas

1 chopped scallion 

2 cups Catelli Gluten Free Penne Noodles 

100g Precooked Chicken Breast 

Spice how you like (just remember some spices contain gluten)  – I like to use 3 tbsp of Litehouse Salad Blend

Throw it all into a pot and bring to a boil for 5 min on high and then simmer covered on medium for 10-15 min. 
– Aaron LaFontaine