How to throw a kick a** Bachelorette Party!! (in 23 steps)

 Me wearing more pink than Barbie
Congratulations!! You have been chosen by your Bride to be the Maid of Honour! Or you are the Bride planning your own festivities in which case Congratulations to you!!

Regardless of your ‘role’ in the wedding you are obviously reading this to get some tips and pointers! I’ll do my best to provide that!

Ps definitely watch this movie, it’s hilarious! 

1) First of all, get organized! Sit down with the bride and find out what he or she would like for the party and what they definitely do not want (strippers are not as popular anymore) and discuss a date and venue(s).

I would suggest the stag/stagette be 2 weeks prior to the wedding!

Also, would your bride like to have the Bridal Shower at the same time/ on the same date – it’s definitely easier to do separate dates, weekends in fact.

The Bridal Shower is a more family friendly function that tends to happen in the afternoon along with tea and lemon squares…. Not penis cookies! 

2) Next set up a Facebook Event, or Email, whichever alerting all the invitees and especially the bridal party of the event and theme, dress code, etc.

3) Book a Limo! It really completes the experience! Most clubs offer a FREE Limo package so defintly call some venues!

Make sure you bring a garbage bag for the champagne and cups you’ll have inside the limo! Also, don’t forget to tip you Limo Driver! 

4) Invites! I would make some nice invites to send out that have your Brides Intimate sizes because this is not something you want to post in Facebook or publicly!

Make sure to include all the Important details and the brides sizes! I used Vista Print to design and print mine, super easy and cheap!!

5) Budget – set yourself a budget! It’s super easy to get carried away and spend over $1000.00.

6) Attire – Depending on your theme, you may want to order your shirts well ahead of time to avoid any issues! I got these done up from and they were pricey but definitely worth it! The tutu you can grab from any party store!

7) Drink Cup Momento – I made my party cups and personalized them for each invitee. You can make them easily with the dollar store! I got the drink containers from Party City and decorated with stick on gems and ribbon from Dollar Store.

You can also buy really nice sets from Etsy – preorder well ahead though!!

I got the Bride a special one though!

8) Photo Hunt Games – you can make your own list or copy one from online! I printed mine out from Vista Print and it worked nicely!

TIP: create a hashtag like #aaronsbachelorette2015 so when the party member posts on Instagram or Facebook everyone can find it! 


9) Photo Frame – this is a really nice present for the Bride!

10) Hangover Bags – these are amazing! For a complete list and prices please go to my other blog post:

11) DECORATIONS!!! Defintly check out the dollar store before anything, you would be surprised at the stuff they have! Next go to Party City!!


Request to set up your reserved table at the venue prior to the party starting so it’s ready when you all get there!! 


12) Don’t forget some good old fashion penis decor!

I made these cookies using premixed dough and penis cookie cutters! 

13) Veil and Tiara for the Bride – I used Amazon for these! Probably cheaper if bought in store. 


14) Pre- Drinking Games! You can buy these at Party City or make your own!

Gift Guess Game! Have your guests out cards in a separate pile and have the bride open the present and guess who it’s from! 

15) Scrapbook – instead of cards have your guests fill in a page from a scrapbook/ notebook for the Bride. You can add pictures later on or just give to the Bride with the letters/ advice or sexy tips!

16) Goodie Bags! Make your final bags for the guests, should include the Photo hunt game & hash tag, personalized cup, hangover bag, condom, mini lube, candy, and any accessories!

I got the princess bag from Dollar Store!! They have awesome totes!! 


17) Signs!!! I made lots of these neon signs for the venue and house – just to make sure EVERYONE knew!

18) Tunes! Definitely make a playlist to dance and sing to!

19) Photo Booth Kit! Walmart or Michaels usually has them but we went to Dollar Store and made our own for cheap!!

20) Food! Make sure your guests have dinner prior to drinking or you provide munchies at the party!

Make sure you ask your guests if they have any allergies! 



21) Suck for a Buck – some brides would like a suck for a buck shirt to wear to the club and basically have people suck/ eat candy off of their shirt for a buck! I made mine at Vistaprint!

22) Bachelorette Punch

  • 2 bottles white wine
  • Frozen pink lemonade
  • 2L Sprite
  • Frozen Raspberries

23) HAVE FUN!!! Make sure you let loose and enjoy the memories as well!!!

**Ask the bridal party for help and to help share some of the cost!! 
Thanks for Reading!

– Aaron LaFontaine

Bachelorette Hang Over Bags

Hello! I am the Maid of Honour for a dear friend and I am quite proud of the hangover bags I’ve made up! Thought I’d share as they are an awesome giveaway and much appreciated! The total bag cost me about $13.50 CAN each. 

  1. Bachelorette Bag – $3.00 Amazon 
  2. Facial Wipes – $3.00 Shoppers 
  3. Rice Krispie – Costco 
  4. Vitamin C with Electrolytes Packet – Shoppers
  5. Barf Bag – Dollar Store 
  6. Tums – $1.00 Shoppers
  7. Lip Chap – $1.00 Shoppers
  8. Bandaids Avenger Series – Dollar Store 
  9. Sun Glasses – $3.00 Party City 
  10. Hair Ties – Shoppers 
  11. Gum – $1.00 Shoppers 

You can probably do it for cheaper but you get the point!!! You could add water as well for bonus! 
Thanks and Enjoy! 

– Aaron LaFontaine 

11 Do’s and Don’ts for your Baby Shower


1) Do invite everyone and feed them – this is the best way to share the joy, get some advice AND get some free baby stuff!

2) Don’t get carried away with decorating, even though the theme looked AWESOME on Pinterest you will be exhausted and the decorations are only up for 4 hours at most – Party City has awesome baby shower decor!

3) Do make a baby registry and share it with everyone! People want to know what to buy for you!

4) Don’t feel like you need to go gourmet with snacks and food, we had chips, veges and dip, cheese and crackers, pop, and burgers –these are the staples and people like them!

5) Do ask your BFF to organize and promote the event, he/she probably wants to be involved!

6) Don’t feel like you have to interact extensively with everyone, this will be very overwhelming for you while pregnant!

7) Do ask people to bring a book for baby instead of a card! We have a whole library now AND each book has been written inside of by our friends and families!

8) Don’t worry about when to throw the shower, do whats comfortable for you! We did it at the beginning of third trimester – that way I could wait to see if what I got from my registry/ other items and still have time to complete the nursery.

9) Do the shower you want, break tradition! We had a baby shower for my husband and myself, so we invited both of our friends and family!

10) Don’t worry about being goofy while playing baby shower games! It is fun and its a really nice memory! One of my favorites were cards I gave out to everyone asking for their advice, nice memento!

11) Do your own invitations and mail them out! I used Vistaprint and they were awesome! Now everyone has a little keepsake and who doesn’t love getting mail!