Gluten Free Lettuce Wraps 


I f*cking love lettuce wraps, I crave them a lot but you have to go to a restaurant and spend money to get them. Plus if you are like me and are allergic to more food than not then it’s better to just make your own food porn! 


  1. Chicken breast 
  2. Head of lettuce 
  3. Garlic
  4. Seasonings 
  5. Chipotle Chili Pepper 
  6. Pine nuts (baking aisle)
  7. Green apple 
  8. Lemon 
  9. VH Orange Ginger Sauce 
  10. VH Spicey Thai Chili Sauce 

If you don’t have all those ingredients its probably fine, the most important are the chicken, the lettuce and the sauces. 

Cook your chicken in some butter or oil with garlic and seasonings 


Ok now on medium heat roast your pine nuts with a tad of Chipolte Chili Pepper for 1-2 min – DO NOT go overboard with this one because it’s Spicey as F*ck. 


While that’s cooking get your lettuce washed and peeled, your green apple chopped or julienne’d, and your lemon halved. 

Once chicken is cooked, combine in a heat safe bowl with all the juices and a add sauces (1/2 cup each).



Now assemble your wrap and don’t forget to squirt some lemony goodness on top! 

– Aaron LaFontaine

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